
3D MicroEndo

Endodontists located in Upper East Side, New York, NY

Regenerative medicine is a rapidly emerging health care specialty that stimulates your body’s ability to heal itself. The expert endodontists at 3D MicroEndo provide tooth regeneration treatments to encourage healthy tooth root development at their three locations in the Upper East Side, Gramercy Park, and Tribeca neighborhoods of Manhattan. Call any of the New York City offices or schedule a consultation online today for innovative tooth regeneration treatments.

Regeneration Q & A

What is endodontic tooth regeneration?

Regenerative medicine stimulates your body’s ability to create new cells to repair itself. Regenerative endodontics uses these principles to repair your root canals and protect your dental health. The treatment involves placing biologic materials inside your tooth to engineer tissue growth.

What conditions improve with regenerative endodontic therapy?

The team at 3D MicroEndo uses endodontic regeneration to treat several dental issues, including:

Immature teeth

Immature teeth might not have fully developed canals to protect the nerves and blood vessels inside them. Immature teeth have an increased risk of decay and infection, which can reduce the stability of the tooth’s root and contribute to premature tooth loss. 

Open tooth apex

The apex of your tooth is the tip of the root. When a tooth apex hasn’t formed completely, the tip is open, which allows bacteria to enter your tooth. You could also develop an open apex if the tip of your tooth root wears away in a process called reabsorption.

Thin dentinal walls

Immature teeth or open apexes increase your risk of having thin dentinal walls. Your dentinal walls surround your canals and are covered by enamel. When your dentinal walls are thin, you have an increased risk of decay, infection, and inflammation.

Severe tooth decay

If your endodontist has to remove a significant portion of the inside of your tooth during a root canal, they might use endodontic regeneration to stimulate new tissue growth to preserve and protect your tooth. 

What happens during endodontic tooth regeneration?

Your endodontist begins by thoroughly numbing your tooth. Then, they make an opening in your tooth and remove any decay or debris before placing the biologic material inside your tooth. They finish by filling and sealing your tooth to protect it from decay-causing bacteria.

Depending on your needs, the team might also place the endodontic regeneration materials into your tooth during minimally invasive endodontic surgery. 

What should I expect after regenerative endodontic therapy?

Much like the recovery of other endodontic treatments such as root canals, pulpotomy, and minimally invasive endodontic surgery, you might have some tenderness for a day or so after your endodontic regeneration treatment. 

In most cases, you can use ice to ease your discomfort. Your endodontist can let you know if you can take over-the-counter pain relievers to deal with inflammation, which is part of your body’s natural healing response.

Following your treatment, you have follow-up appointments, including X-rays, so your endodontist can monitor your recovery and the regeneration of your tooth. 

If you’re interested in endodontic regeneration, call 3D MicroEndo or schedule an appointment online today.